DÜNYA ensemble with special guests Brenna MacCrimmon and Erkan Oğur
Music expression
released April 3, 2009
Robert Labaree/çeng, percussion, voice, Brenna MacCrimmon/voice, Cem Mutlu/percussion, voice, Erkan Oğur/fretless guitar, Jose Pienasola/acoustic bass, Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol/voice, ud, ney, saz, duduk, percussion, piano, Nathan Therrien/acoustic bass
Directed by Mehmet Ali Sanlıkol and Robert Labaree
Recorded and mixed by Alan Mattes at the Fraser Performance Studio at WGBH-Radio, Boston, except “Umut” recorded by Antonio Oliart Ros, also at the Fraser Performance Studio, and, additional recording and mixing on “Umut” done by Mehmet Sanlıkol at Mehmet Sanlıkol’s home studio.
Mastered by John Weston at Futura Productions, Roslindale MA USA
Produced by DÜNYA